Crafting a Secure Future with Strategic Hybrid Publishing
A Talk by Brooke Warner (Publisher, She Writes Press)
About this Talk
In this interview, Tara R. Alemany speaks with Brooke Warner, a trailblazer in the world of hybrid publishing and the founder of She Writes Press. In this engaging session, we delve into the evolution of hybrid publishing, tracing its historical journey to its current state of legitimacy.
One of the biggest questions on the mind of anyone considering the hybrid publishing route is, "How do I know what to look for and what to look out for?" In a time when fears of exploitation abound, Brooke provides invaluable insights to help you navigate the hybrid publishing landscape with confidence.
Discover how to make informed and secure choices when it comes to hybrid publishing. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that determine whether hybrid publishing is the right path for you and your book. And explore the intriguing perspectives of the future of hybrid publishing.
Brooke's expertise shines as she unveils the key attributes to look for in a reputable hybrid publisher, ensuring that you embark on your publishing journey with peace of mind.
Whether you're a seasoned author seeking innovative options or a publishing professional aiming to empower your authors, this interview equips you with the knowledge to discern the safest and most strategic avenues within hybrid publishing.